Dealing with dry skin is quite a challenge for many but having dry, blotchy skin around your mouth area can be very frustrating. Having dry skin can be a result of many different causes. From the weather to certain medical conditions – dryness is definitely a skin problem that needs treatment. In line with this, you are probably wondering why you’re experiencing more dryness around your mouth area compared to the rest of your face. In fact, you might be utterly confused because the rest of your face is not even close to dry! True enough, having dry skin around the mouth area is a troubling and embarrassing problem. But fret not, because there are many ways to prevent and treat such skin condition.
Common Causes of Dry Skin Around the Mouth
Prior to talking about how to treat this problem, we should definitely understand the possible causes of it first. It is true that pointing out the cause of a particular skin problem is definitely never easy. From allergies to the use of certain makeup products –the dry skin around your mouth area can still be treated. Here are some of the most common causes of having dry skin around your mouth area.
- Skin Diseases (Seborrheic Dermatitis, Angular Cheilitis, Perioral Dermatitis, Eczema etc.) – according to Dr. Farid Mostamand, Founder of Ageless Derma, certain medical conditions like dermatitis and eczema usually cause the skin to itch, flake and become sore. Perioral Dermatitis in particular, shows severe dryness mostly dominant on the mouth area.
- Allergies – if you have allergies on food or cosmetic products, the skin around your mouth area will be one of the first parts to be most likely affected. Check the products you use daily near your mouth like toothpaste, mouthwash, lipsticks, etc.
- Alcohol-based Skincare Products – alcohol is an ingredient usually found in many cosmetic products. Alcohol acts as a binder for different ingredients in cosmetics but certain types like isopropyl alcohol are harsh and very drying to the skin. If you use toners that have alcohol, this is enough reason why the skin around your mouth area is very dry and patchy.
- Climate – drastic changes in climate disrupt the skin’s natural moisture levels especially during the cold season.
Prevention Tips and Effective Treatments for Dry Skin Around the Mouth Area
- Drink at least 8 glasses of water daily. – Hydration from within is very important in keeping your skin conditioned. The ideal amount of water intake is at least 8 glasses per day. This amount perfectly replenishes your skin’s moisture levels as well as increasing water retention to keep the hydration cycle running properly.
- Invest in all-natural gentle moisturizers. – Just as what was mentioned earlier, harsh chemicals such as alcohol should be avoided. An excerpt from the book Ageless Skin Obsession, authored by Dr. Farid Mostamand states, Alcohol, when listed as an ingredient in skincare products, should be avoided. Alcohol is a drying agent. It causes the body to lose water, not keep it. It’s always safe to go for skincare products that feature gentle and natural ingredients to treat and prevent having dry skin around the mouth area.
- Stay away from products with fragrance. – Just like alcohol, fragrance is a very harsh ingredient that leads to skin irritation and dryness. Fragrance is also a fast-drying agent which evaporates quickly along with your skin’s natural moisture whenever in contact with air.
- Keep a hydrating Aloe Vera Face Mist handy. – Most of us are aware about how Aloe Vera is a true miracle plant. It has natural anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that are highly beneficial to the skin. It nourishes, hydrates, soothes and protects the skin from deep within. If the skin around your mouth area feels constantly dry, carrying an Aloe Vera mist is quite ideal. Since you can’t really apply Aloe Vera gel over makeup, a face mist will do the same for you – anytime, anywhere.
- Use clear lip balms that offer heavy hydration. – When your lips feel extremely dry, applying lip balm is a quick solution. However, if you feel like your lips and the skin around your mouth area is experiencing something more than just dryness, then you have to carefully consider the lip balm you are about to get. Dermatologist Dr. Bailey mentions how some lip balms may contain allergens like fragrance and lanolin which aggravate the dryness and irritation on your mouth area.