Dry skin can occur to people of all ages. It’s not an unusual skin condition since a huge percentage of the population gets affected by dry skin from time to time. It’s easy to associate dry skin symptoms to scaling and cracking of the skin, but did you know that it’s beyond just that? Truly, having dry skin can mean a lot of certain conditions. You may naturally have dry skin or it may be something you have acquired over the course of time due to chemical or sun exposure.
Fortunately, as dry skin is a common skin problem, a lot of solutions are readily available out there. You can even get yourself an over-the-counter moisturizer to provide instant relief for your skin. However, dry skin can also evolve into something more severe. What are dry skin symptoms you should watch out for and how do you know when to call a doctor?
Dry Skin Symptoms: From Minor to Severe
If you’re experiencing dry skin from time to time, it may be a common and minor concern. People encounter dryness due to climate, wrong choice of cosmetics or prolonged sun exposure. For minor cases like these, you may experience the following symptoms.
- Scaling (Cracked and flaking skin)
- Itching
- Tight feeling on the skin
- Gray, ashy skin
So when are you supposed to be alarmed with regards to your dry skin? Yes, dry skin can definitely worsen to the point that you are going to need the professional help of a dermatologist. Certain medical conditions and diseases may also have dry skin as one of its symptoms. If you’re starting to feel the symptoms listed below, you definitely need to pay your dermatologist a visit.
- Severe redness
- Rashes and wounds that bleed
- Blisters or bumps filled with pus
- Occasional pain and burning sensation
Dry Skin Treatment: How to Take Care of It Effectively
Having dry skin is a very uncomfortable and challenging problem. However, there are several things you can do to provide your dry skin some quick and effective relief.
- Use a gentle cleanser. – There are many types of cleansers available in the market today. If you have dry skin, your skin tends to be a lot more sensitive to certain ingredients like SLS (Sodium Lauryl Sulfate) and alcohol. Go for a gentle cleanser free from harsh radicals that can aggravate dry skin. In addition, look for exceptional natural moisturizers like Green Tea, Aloe Vera, Shea Butter or Olive Oil.
- Apply a liberal amount of gentle moisturizer on the affected areas at least twice a day. – Whatever your skin type is, moisturizing is a must. According to D. Farid Mostamand, founder of Ageless Derma, “If you have dry skin, choose a product made specifically for that skin type—one that contains extra moisturizing ingredients to keep the skin from becoming excessively dry.” Moisturizing is very essential to help relieve the skin from dryness. This is why it is very important to consider the type of products you are using.
- Avoid exposing yourself to products that has harsh ingredients. – Apart from skincare products with irritating ingredients, you should also consider other products you use daily. Dishwashing soaps, perfumes, shampoos, toothpastes and laundry detergent may also contain harsh chemicals that contribute to the dryness of your skin. Check milder alternatives or wear proper gear to protect your skin (for instance, rubber gloves for washing dishes or clothes).
- For intense dryness, use Aloe Vera Gel. – Aloe Vera is a natural soothing and hydrating ingredient perfect for hypersensitive skin. If Aloe Barbadensis grows in your backyard, then you can just go pick some leaves and scrape the gel inside. On the other hand, you can look for top-notch products that feature pure Aloe Vera gel.
- It doesn’t always have to be expensive since there are products that feature premium ingredients but affordable. Products like this are way more affordable since they cut the middleman and sell directly to the consumer.
- Always wear sunscreen before heading out. – Sun protection is always important especially if you have dry and sensitive skin. The sun is one of dry skin’s worst enemies so you should do everything to protect your skin against it. Wear sunscreen that offer at least SPF30 for everyday and higher if you’re about to stay under the sun for long periods of time.